Additional requirements for foreign national applicants in Viet Nam

Additional requirements for foreign national applicants in Viet Nam

วันที่นำเข้าข้อมูล 2 ม.ค. 2566

วันที่ปรับปรุงข้อมูล 4 มี.ค. 2566

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1. Citizens from the following countries/territories, who are residing in Vietnam and a holder of the Vietnamese Residence Card and/or Work Permit and meet the required conditions, are able to apply for visa in person at the Royal Thai Embassy in Hanoi.



Ghana  Pakistan 


Guinea Palestine 
Bangladesh Iran Sao Tome and Principe 
Cameroon Iraq  Sierra Leone 
Central African Republic  Lebanon  Somalia 
People's Republic of China  Liberia  Sri Lanka 
Republic of Congo  Libya  Sudan 
Democratic Republic of Congo  Nepal  Syria 
Egypt  Nigeria  Yemen
Equatorial Guinea  North Korea  


2. Applicants shall submit the complete “Required Documents”.

    (1) Three (03) recent photographs (size 3.5 x 4.5 cm.) affixes to the visa application forms

    (2) Three (03) completed Visa application forms

    (3) Certifying letter from the company/organisation/institution, with which the applicant currently works or studies

    (4) Work Permit AND Temporary/Permanent Residence Card in Viet Nam with validity of NOT less than six (06) months

    (5) Copy of Vietnamese Temporary/Permanent Residence Card, Work Permit with legalisation stamp from the public notary or the Department of Consular Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Viet Nam in Hanoi

    (6) Copy of employment contract

    (7) Round-trip ticket confirmation or ticket confirmation showing a transit into Thailand

    (8) Hotel reservation (with name of applicant and the date corresponding with the said ticket confirmation)

    (9) Evidence of adequate finance, equivalent to THB 20,000. - per person, and THB 40,000. - per family. 

    Note: Applicants from Nigeria and Iran must submit four (4) photos and four (04) application forms. 


3. Applicants of the following countries may apply for visa, with the following conditions: 

    (1) Applicants, receiving an approval from Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Thailand

- Democratic People’s Republic of Korea

- Iraq


    (2) Applicants, having residency in Viet Nam and receiving an approval from Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Thailand

- Afghanistan


    (3) Applicants from Nepal:

  • Applicants shall submit the “Required Documents” above.
  • In addition to the “Required Documents”, applicants, who do not have residency in Viet Nam, may be able to apply for a visa if they can provide a guaranteed letter from the Nepalese Embassy/ Consulate-General/ Honorary Consulate or Thai Nepal Chamber of Commerce.


    (4) Applicants from Saudi Arabia shall submit the following required documents:

  • Three (03) recent photographs (size 3.5 x 4.5 cm.) affixes to the visa application forms
  • Three (03) completed Visa application forms
  • Round-trip ticket confirmation or ticket confirmation showing a transit into Thailand (with applicant’s name)
  • Copy of hotel or accommodation reservation, covering the period of stay and starting with the date of arrival into Thailand
  • Proof of hotel or accommodation reservation shall have the name of person, including family member(s) or accompanying persons’ name(s) applying for the visa
  • Evidence of adequate finance, equivalent to THB 20,000. - per person, and THB 40,000. - per family.


    (5) Applicants from Nigeria:

  • In reference to the “Required Documents” above, applicants are required to provide four (04) visa application forms and four (04) photos.  
  • applicants are required to provide a letter from the National Drug Law Enforcement Agency of Nigeria (NDLEA). The NDLEA shall be legalised by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Nigeria and the Royal Thai Embassy in Abuja, Nigeria.  


    (6) Applicantsfrom Angola, Benin, Botswana, Burundi, Cape Verde, Chad, Cote D'ivoire, Djibouti, Gambia, Kenya, Malawi, Mali, Mauritius, Niger, Rawanda, Senegal, Togo, Uganda, Zimbabwe, Zambia, Madagascar, Mozambique, Guinea Bissau, Ethiopia, Tanzania, Swaziland, Burkina Faso, Eritrea, Gabon, Comoros, Lesotho, Namibia, Seychelles, South Africa, South Sudan

  • If applicant has a residency in Viet Nam, he/she may apply for visa at the Royal Thai Embassy in Hanoi, provided that the residence has been legalised by the public notary or the Department of Consular Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Viet Nam in Hanoi.
  • Applicants shall submit complete visa application.

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